Thursday, June 17, 2010

On The Road Again

Well, here I go again, driving back to Utah to see Jan and the girls. This commuting is getting old fast. I was wondering if anyone else out there has experience with this kind of a commute? I am particularly interested in how to prevent or sooth a sore tail bone. It increases in intensity the longer I drive. I am willing to try almost anything for relief. Besides a stiff drink or two, to take the edge off, what other ideas do you have? No, I don't really drink (not yet). Besides isn't drinking and driving bad anyway? Your ideas would be greatly appreciated.


  1. You are around doctors all of the time so maybe one of them has a idea. So far you were going to jump off a Ferry Boat and now want a drink. I will pray for you.:) Aunt Susie got a water seat (that what I call it) to sit on so ask her. It seems to work for her.. Glad you made it safe to Utah...
