Friday, July 30, 2010

I really did it

I finally did something about my weight. I had the Lab Band Operation and I am so happy that I did. I had it on the tuesday before this last one. We went to Las Vegas in NV. and had to be there at six A.M. so we stayed on the strip at the Four Queen's Hotel. It turned out to be a suite as we were upgrated. After all that we had to do for this surgery it was a lot of fun being there and then we went out to eat dinner. (my last for a while) I wanted ribs. what fun it was to eat ribs. Sam said I had bbq sauce like a happy camper across my face. anyway back to the operation. 6:00 a.m. came real early. After signing in (a lot of paperwork) they took me into the operation room and I was out so fast. I woke up in my room and wasn't in any pain. Just a little but I just asked the nurse if I could have some pain medicine and she gave it to me. Sam stayed with me most of the day and finally I told him to go play some change and go have a nice dinner but he didn't want to. The first night I just had jello and applesauce. Wed morning I still was only hurting if I coughed and got up or down from the bed. If wasn't bad at all. I was told I could go home in the afternoon. They fed me more jello and some kind of fruit chopped up. That also didn't hurt going down. We drove home (two hours) and got here around 5:00P.M. Thursday morning I had a broth and took all of my pills and sipping on water. Lunch and dinner was applesauce and pudding. Dr. said to walk around a lot and I was sort of sore but I tried to do it as it makes sure you don't got blood clots in your legs. the rest of the time I tried to follow dr. orders but I started to get hungry. So I have been eating a yogart to help me fill full. I also cooked a roast in my crock pot and I had the potatoes put in the blender with a little water so they weren't so thick. Anyway that made me fill full and it didn't hurt my stomach at all. Today I had a doctor's appointment today and I couldn't belive what the doctor told me. My blood pressure was 120/70 and I was so happy. We have been checking my blood count every morning and it is down to 150degree's.


  1. I'm sooooooooo proud of you... Wish you nothing but good wishes for this new road you're traveling... I hope you'll post a comment frequently to let us know how you're doing! Be sure and post a picture every now and then also. love Dena

  2. hi mom, that is great. Have you used the blender on anything else. That was smart thinking. Well, I was going to join curves as I told you on the phone when we talked last but I noticed my car was leaking radiator fluid so there went that thought. However, I do need to do something about my weight, she took my blood pressure 155/105. I think thats high for me considdering it's usually 110/72. And my body fat was 43 or 47. YIKES!!!Well, I have lost 10 lbs in the last 2 months or so. But the blood pressure thing not so good. Anyway, you should buy youself a new summer dress for your birthday. Very proud of you, Keep up the good work. Love, Laurie
