Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fred and Margaret Freeman

I can't help but smile when I think of them. I remember Uncle Freddy as always laughing and making other people laugh. Jack, Gayle and Andi what do you remember about him and your mom? It was very sad when he passed away at such a young age. (Is this a downer? I really would like to get some insight as to what he and Auntie Margaret were like.) We went to visit Auntie Margaret soon after the funeral. I was very young and the only one able to go. It was on my birthday in November. After a little time I went over to Auntie Margaret and asked her something that almost gave my dad a heart attack. My mom was choking from shock. Fortunately, they all thought it was funny or I would have had to walk from Westchester. Auntie Margaret was also laughing all the time. The two of them, mom, dad, Auntie Audrey and Uncle Rockie had some good times. We always spent every New Years Day at the Freemans. I loved their house, it was cool. It had a long hallway and we'd take off our shoes so we could run and slide in just our stocking feet. That is until we got caught. With 6 kids our parents made sure we didn't make too much noise at other people's homes.
Posted by Joyce

1 comment:

  1. Dang, you are making me melancholy. Lately, I have been caught up on working and providing for my family. They, my family, will hardly remember me working. But, they will remember me taking them fishing, camping, horseback riding, boating or having experiences with extended family. I am glad Grandpa and Grandma learned that lesson. I will have to do better. Posted by James
